So for my mom's birthday/retirement/Christmas present, Dad bought her a new desktop. It's fancy and touch screen and I'm on it right now. But my father, technologically inept as he is (bless his heart), doesn't have any idea how to work it. So whenever I'm spending time on Facebook scrolling through my news feed or playing a game and clicking things with my fingers, he will stand there in shock and awe.
Last night, after I messed around on it a little while, I shut it off and went upstairs to go to bed. I hear the computer turn back on, however, and realize my dad is still downstairs.
Let me pause this story to tell you that my dad just spotted me on this computer and was in awe that I had the wireless keyboard on my lap instead of on the desk. Proving my point.
So he comes upstairs and tells me I didn't turn it off completely. Thinking I hadn't, I go back downstairs to find that he had turned it back ON. I press the power button again, turning it off. Then my dad asks me why there was a light on on the back of the computer. I look and see that it is the power cord, shining blue to show that it is plugged in. I explain this to my father, and he nods and I go back upstairs to go to bed.
This morning rolls around and I'm lying in bed trying to wake up. It's 9:30 in the morning and I hear my dad talking on the phone. Not to be bothered, I roll back onto my side and fall back asleep.
When I finally emerge to eat breakfast, my dad tells me he called the computer company asking about the light on the back of the desktop, and he explains to me that it is to show that the computer is plugged in. "Dad, I told you this last night," I said. He looks at me funny and says he doesn't remember. To which I respond with this...
I love my dad. And I also wish I had the kind of patience that the IT people have to have for the technologically handicapped.
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